Hello, welcome to my E-Portfolio! My name is Liza Marie C. Catangcatang.
I sometimes take pictures of myself and I often take pictures of my friends and nature.
Lesson 1 & Lesson 2 - CSS
”Cascading Style Sheets” - Language used to style a webpage.
It Describes how HTML elements will be displayed on screen, paper, or other media.
It Saves a lot of work as it can control the layout of multiple web pages at once.
External stylesheets are stored in CSS files.
Layers of a Web Page
Content Layer (HTML)
Presentation Layer (CSS)
Behavior Layer (JavaScript)
Lesson 3 - Style Sheet
Case Sensitivity
- HTML browsers that can handle style sheets aren’t case-sensitive, but it’s a good idea to always use the same capitalization for the styles used in the web page.
- All style declarations must have colon (:) between the name of the style property and the value(s) assigned, and all declarations must end in a semi-colon.
White Space - Must exist where indicated, however, the user can add extra whitespace to make the code more readable.
Lesson 4 - Selectors, Div, Span, and Link #1
Display Property
- allows you to control how an element is displayed.
Inline Level Elements
- laid out horizontally & will only proceed to the next line when the end of the line is reached.
They’re displayed in a line, they don’t force the text after them to a new line.
Block Level Elements
- each new paragraph tag will appear vertically on its own line. Paragraphs with longer content stretch to the edge of the page.
Div Tag
- divides web page contents into individual sections, allowing you to apply style to different sections.
- it’s a block element, therefore it’s usually applied to block HTML & shouldn’t be used within a paragraph.
- In most browsers, a div tag will provide line spacing before & after a block element.
Span Tag
Applied to an inline element, and is used to emphasize words or sentences within a paragraph.
Span & Div
- Both tags don’t have default styling information as you need to specify an attribute to affect desired style if you want to change the line style or formatting.
Class (Attribute)
- indicates CSS style to be applied.
- user-defined selector used to apply a style rule to specific HTML tags. Using CSS class, you can control individual HTML element formatting.
- defined by dots (.).
- must be called on the HTML file for it to be used.
Class Selector
- style applied to a particular set of elements.
ID Selector
- style applied to one element in a page, normally used once usually in a title or navigation part.
- defined by hashtag / pound (#) and uses “id” attribute for HTML element.
It isn’t advisable to start an ID selector with a number because some browsers DO NOT support it.
Lesson 5 - Selectors, Div, Span, and Link #2
Multiple Selectors
- When 2 or more selectors have the same property & values, a comma (,) is used to separate the selectors and use only one set of properties & values.
Grouping Selectors
- You can group selectors & combine them into one CSS file. Each selector should be separated with a comma (,).
Nesting Selectors
- You can also apply a style for a selector within a selector.
You can use pseudo-class selector to change the style of a text link.
You can use pseudo-elements to apply style rule to the first letter/line of a paragraph.
Setting Dimensions
- CSS can be used to manage dimensions such as visibility, width, or height of HTML elements; good way of controlling paragraphs, tables, and others.
Pseudo-Classes & Links
- defined by colon (:) and aren’t user-defined, specific pseudo-classes can only be used on specific HTML elements.
Anchor Element has 4 pseudo-classes:
Link: for hyperlinks that haven’t been visited.
Visited: for visited hyperlinks.
Hover: for hyperlinks when the mouse hovers over them.
Active: for hyperlinks when they’re clicked.
Lesson 6 - Formatting Text with CSS
Lesson 7 - Formatting Layout with CSS
Box Model
- consists of margins, borders, padding, and the actual content; CSS allows you to control the box’s dimensions using height & width properties.
- You have to use the box mode in order to understand CSS layout, where each element on a page exists on its own box wherein each box aligns with other boxes on the page.
- Boxes are defined using the block-level tags.
Element Positioning
- Position property: allows placing an object or element precisely on a page.
There are 4 position schemes:
- Allows you to set up distance of specified element from another element, and place contents of your page in precise position.
- Works together w/ the position property, but must be set up first before offset property.
- Allows control where specified block element will be located or placed and where other elements will be positioned in relation to said
- when in use, it’s important to set block width for better control.
- Wrapping text around an element can be done using the float property.
- If you place only one value on margin:, that value will be applied to all sides of specified element.
- If you don’t specify margin, default value is 0 or no margin.
- Negative margin value can also be used to get special effects on your web page.
The things that I have learned in this subject is that you really need to study and memorize well on how to code
so that you can code really well in ICT. I also want to thank my teacher and my friends for helping me code.